The Paths Not Taken

Four paths diverged at a high mountain’s mass,

Sorry I could not walk them all, alas,

Alone as one Lover, long I stood

Gazing down paths as far as I could,

To where they fade under the moon’s silver glass.

I took the furthest, as just as fair,

Pleasure and exploration seemed to be there,

And having perhaps the choicest life,

Walking away from Certainty and embracing life,

Hoping it would make all the difference in my strife.

Each path at twilight equally lay,

Not one dusty footprint dared to betray,

down either path — Certainty, Love, or Lust,

The choice was mine, but I knew I must,

Choose Me and keep the others for a different day.

Years hence, in the quietude of predilection,

Grateful for the fortitude and circumspection,

I’ll muse on that mountain, under moon’s soft glow,

And dusk’s embrace, till dawn’s light does show,

Embracing the joy of my singular selection.

-- LM D'Lishes💋


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